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縱使攀上了奧運摘冠的巔峰,他仍甘心為中國人奔跑一條不平坦的賽道。首個在中國出生的奧運英雄──李愛銳 Eric Liddell, an Olympic gold medalist, was willing to fight hard for Chinese people despite tremendous difficulties.

1924 年,在巴黎奧運會中,年僅 23 歲的英國選手李愛銳 (Eric Liddell) 輕而易舉地摘下了 400 米金牌,打破了世界紀錄。在奧運場上奪金是人生最光輝不過的事,但令人驚訝的是,他沒有戀棧名利,毫不猶疑地放棄了再踏進奧運場的機會,毅然回到自己的出 生地、當年仍貧窮落後的中國,跑人生的另一賽程……

During the summer Olympic of 1924 hosted in Paris, Eric Liddell broke the then world record of 400m and won the gold medal. Despite his success in the Olympic game, Eric Liddell gave up his career in sports and served as a missionary in a poor country where he was born – China.

The movie “Chariots of Fire” commemorated the Olympic triumph and life of Eric Liddell in China as a missionary. The story of Eric Liddell’s unconiditional love to others and his loyalty of God touches many souls.


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